Friday, May 14, 2010

Business Grants To overcome Downturn In Venture Capital Investment

Recessionary period in America is also a witness to the downturn in the venture capital investment particularly in the digital media industry and others. Any startup company especially in the arena of the digital media has always been looking at the venture capital market to finance their projects but recessionary conditions are now making it almost impossible. 2008 also saw many of the investment projects reduced by considerable degree and digital media companies were forced upon to get settled with very less funding.

Though people have the willingness and inclination to increase their share in the business world yet mere idea and a rough business plan is not enough; requirement is a robust business plan, a track record of success and an audience growth in a deep consistent level. Moreover venture capitalists want companies to more involve in advertising as well as subscription-based revenue models, which in turn could be costly venture. For the investment, criteria to meet are also very strict.

From this we can assume that companies more than suffering from the credit crisis are experiencing value crises and the same is true with the digital media but there is way out in the form of business grants being offered by government. Besides, despite of the recession, venture capitalists still have funds for investments and are ready to put into the investment projects with very little expectations of return. With the help of the business grants, start up companies can show their proven track record, their willingness for growth and good returns and propose good projects with the expectations of good returns thus luring venture capitalists to make investments.

Centuries behold us craving as a hard working person with one hope that one-day godfather will come to pick us up from dilemma of our today’s life. This hope a businessman can attain with the help of venture capitalists but these venture capitalists will only invest in your company if you have shown your potential for giving quick returns and this is only possible if first you yourself have finance to invest in the daily operations of your company like buying of space and inventory, proper management, retaining good staff, and over and above your goals. To attract venture capitalists, you also should show your potentials of being an entrepreneur with craving for latest technological and scientific developments.

Venture capitalists also shortlist those businessmen who have been in operation since last five years and only required finance to set their goals at higher level. But not every businessman can attain this as maintaining the infrastructure is also a much costly affair and you may face a financial crunch but you can overcome the same if you avail the opportunity of government grants. Therefore these government grants directly give direction towards achievement of your goals and indirectly clear your road to reach at venture capitalists investment propositions.